Art Business Coaching

Why Choose Me?
As an artist of over 30 years, I have learned sooooooo much about how to create a successful and profitable art business. It hasn't always been easy and like any business, it takes time, experience, and knowledge to develop and grow.
I've made all the rookie mistakes and fallen into many ditches along the way, but after years of self-development, taking multiple business and marketing courses, and throwing myself into multiple coaching experiences I have made that essential 'uplevel' that has contributed to my business success.
Over the past 4 years, I have lept from 'starving' artist (on government benefits) to a successful artist commanding 4 figures for my art and being able to buy my dream home.
Coaching Options
There are 2 ways I can help you with your business.
1. The first is a one-off 90 minutes zoom call where we can take a deep dive into your art business and identify priority areas for action. It doesn't matter what stage you are at. You may be at the very beginning, where you are transitioning from hobbyist to selling, or you could be an established artist who is struggling to sell consistently.
2. The 2nd option is a 12-week intensive coaching experience for artists who have been painting for a while and are wanting to make a full-time income from their art.

Student Appreciation